Pluto Entering Aquarius: Welcome to the AI World

What does it mean to be human?

An important astrological transit is happening today. Pluto is changing signs, which it hasn’t done in 15 years. This is a big deal on a collective level. Pluto moves into Aquarius the same week as the start of Aries season indicating new beginnings.

Pluto spends roughly 15-20 years in a sign, so while this is an important shift, it’s one that will be incremental. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and it will dip its toes into Aquarius March 23-June 11 2023, then it will ingress back into Capricorn until 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius for 20 years.

We’re in transition

Pluto signifies depth, extremes, power, death and rebirth. Richard Tarnas, in his book, Cosmos and Psyche, describes the nature of Pluto “to press towards greater intensity to the extreme, to be compelling, deep - grounded in the depths, drawing on the power of the underworld, driving whatever it touches to an overwhelming potency”.

In 2008, when Pluto first entered Capricorn, we saw the beginning of economic recessions. As Dan Waites, in his video on How Pluto Explains 15 Years Of History, pointed out that when Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, it was in the bounds (an ancient astrology feature) of Mercury, and Mercury deals with markets, banking and trades.

Thus, this is why we saw a focus on economic matters the first several years Pluto was in Capricorn, and why we’re already seeing another economic crisis with Pluto moving into Aquarius as it’s in Mercury’s bounds again and will be for a little while anyway before it moves into the bounds of Venus, when we can expect Pluto to be dealing with more Venetian matters.

With Pluto digging deep into power and power dynamics, and it having been in Saturn’s sign, we have seen power structures being questioned and challenged in the last 15 years with the start and rise of Black Lives Matter confronting police brutality against Black folks and the creation of the #MeToo movement bringing our attention to sexual assault and misogyny, as important examples.

So, with Pluto in Aquarius…..what kinds of things can we see happen over the next twenty years?

I talked about a variety of significations of Aquarius in my previous post here, but it is the air, fixed sign of Saturn. Since Aquarius is an air sign, we have an association with the mind, ideas and the intellect. Air is also a connector and a network, so we’re looking at the ways we’re connected but on a mental level.

In connection with the mind, Mercury is a triplicity ruler of Aquarius and Mercury is technology and innovation. This is where Aquarius gets its future thinking innovation significations. Saturn wants to improve things. Mercury signifies inventors and is like a light bulb shining bright with ideas.

Aquarius innovates from an organized mind, more slowly and deliberately, as that’s Saturn’s way, and since Pluto will be in Aquarius for twenty-years, this is a gradual transit. Pluto’s changes will take place slowly over time digging deep into the ways we’re all connected via the social network, Internet and all things technology and innovation. We can expect major technological breakthroughs.

What kind of network are we building or maintaining? What’s working and not working?

Mars in Gemini has shown us the chaos of social media. While a lot of these social platforms have connected us in tremendous ways, we’ve also been facing the darker parts of the network that have affected us in negative ways.

Pluto in Aquarius will continue to bring our attention to how we’re connected and how we want the network to be. Pluto will be confronting the power conflicts and dynamics in relation to technology and how we’re connected. Who’s in power? Who’s going to be in power as we enter an even more advanced age of AI? Who controls the robots? Or, are they controlling us? Westworld anyone? 😂

You don’t have to look at the astrology to know where things are headed in this regard, but the astrology confirms that this is, indeed, where things are headed.

One of my astrology mentors, SJ Anderson, says, “Pluto will destroy, then create rebirth around the power structures of society….exploring the nature of being via technology…with Pluto in the Sun’s exile sign of Aquarius, it’s these core meaning struggles to find out what it really means to be alive and have a consciousness and soul.”

What does it mean to be human and have a soul? With the ramping up of AI, this is the big question we’ll be dealing with for the next 20 years in particular.

AI will be ramping up big time in ways that we cannot even imagine right now. This will be challenging as we know the fraught power dynamics underlying the inventive technology. There with also be some incredible, positive medical breakthroughs with curing diseases and finding new solutions for health and physical related issues.

Pluto warns us of the power dynamics at play. The God of the Underworld is going to be digging deep into them, uncovering the muck, and offering us a rebirth. It will be important for us to have the right people in positions of power, something we’ve been trying to work on for a while now in various areas. Not just politicians, but the people designing the advanced technologies. What are their intentions?

Saturn in Pisces for the next few years can help us with that as Saturn is about integrity and accountability. Pisces is connectedness. We have an opportunity to steer the ship of AI from an ethical place. It will be important to hold our leaders accountable so the inventions benefit everyone, not just the highly privileged.

When Pluto has been in Aquarius before, there have been revolutionary times. Big intellectual and educational advances, and rebelling against authority and the dominant system. We will continue to see revolts against the powers and incredible societal advances.

Pluto in Aquarius will be offering us greater opportunities for collective liberation, and since we’re more connected than ever, we’ll be able to band together creatively to further much needed social movements.

In true Pluto fashion, things need to die in order to be reborn. May the oppressive power structures die so that we can birth a better system that serves the liberation of the most marginalized, which would result in the liberation for all. As the Combahee Rive Collective states, “If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression.”

Saturn also represents oppression and those oppressed, so we can expect a continuation of Pluto bringing to the surface the muck societies have tried to keep buried. It’s time to build technological breakthroughs that actually support and serve all humans and our souls.

Despite AI’s prominence over the next decades, I don’t think the soul can be replaced. The soul is sacred.

Because of technology becoming more advanced, I think we will see people turning to spirituality more in order to find the soulful in a world dominated by machines. Spiritual healers and teachers will be in high demand because the hunger to connect with the soul will be strong.

We DO have some power and agency in this fast-forward moving society. We can decide how we want to engage with it and what kind of a life we want to live. We can decide to connect with each other on a soul level and find refuge in the spirit realm.

I’m here for positive medical breakthroughs and using AI to serve our human experience in better ways. May the arch bend more towards human and soul liberation.

Pluto in Aquarius On An Individual Level

Wherever you have Capricorn in your chart, Pluto has been doing a slow deep dive into the topics of that whole sign house over the last 15 years. For example, if you’re Cancer rising, then you have Capricorn in your 7th house of relationships, which means Pluto has been going deep with your relationships: romantic and business partnerships and contracts. That is ending now and you should feel a shift in this area of your life.

Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius will do a deep dive into a different area of your life, wherever you have Aquarius in your chart. Pluto’s significance on your individual life will be incremental and subtle unless Pluto is transiting your Sun, Moon, Ascendant or another major planet or point close by degree. Then, this slow Pluto transit might be more potent for you at times. If you want to know more about what Pluto’s transit in Aquarius means for you, we can talk about that in an astrology reading.

Find out what areas of your life will be front and center in 2024 in my Rising Sign Horoscope freebie here.




SATURN IN PISCES: Creativity, dreams becoming reality, the mystical taken seriously