SATURN IN PISCES: Creativity, dreams becoming reality, the mystical taken seriously

Saturn was in Aquarius December 2020 to March 2023, and it was in Capricorn before that for a few years. Saturn is at home in Capricorn and Aquarius, the two planets it rules, but this has also meant a much more serious and harsh time as so many of us have experienced, both collectively and individually.

Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7th, 2023, which will be a significant change. Saturn will be in Jupiter’s sign, as Jupiter rules Pisces, so this transit will have a Jupiter flavor to it. Jupiter generally represents more positivity and optimism than Saturn, so this change is a welcome one.

Saturn in Pisces isn’t going to be all rainbows, however. Astrologer, Austin Coppick said, Saturn in Pisces “will bring a fresh hell.” Lol. It ain’t all going to be pretty. Sometimes you just need a new hell 😂 Saturn is a tough planet so if we think it’s going to be an all around lovely several years, then we’re fooling ourselves, but I think we’re all pretty tired of what Saturn in Aquarius has brought, so bring on the fresh hell! ❤️‍🔥

Saturn is stability, law and order, and our reality check. Pisces is a mutable, water sign that likes fluidity. Saturn will be trying to make Pisces type things stable, solid and real, but it might be a challenge. As Coppock points out, Saturn in Pisces is a more chaotic period, “not as heavily rule bound”. Mutable water isn’t as domineering as Saturn in its home signs of Capricorn and Aquarius can be. It’s a much more creative energy, which is needed but that also means more loss of control, which can be good in some ways but also a problem in other ways.

So, you see that we’ll be dealing with different issues. Astrology is all about balance because it reflects life, and, our reality of life is that there’s always problems and harshness, and there’s always positivity and joy, and, of course, everything in between.

What I love about Saturn entering Pisces is that Pisces is dreamy and represents our imagination. And, with Saturn representing reality, this is a great time of making dreams a reality, as well as letting go of past dreams that are no longer aligned.

Saturn will be asking us to get clear on our dreams. Which ones are real, useful and worth our time? Saturn has no time to waste. Jupiter has all the time so there will be tension between time, a tendency to check out and escape but also wondering if we’re using our time wisely.

Neptune has been in Pisces since 2012 and will stay there until 2025, thus Saturn will be co-present with this outer planet. Neptune represents disillusionment, imagination, and escapism. The world is an intense place, we need pockets of escape. Give yourself the escapism you need and the time to take small actions towards making your dreams real. Saturn will support this as it’s all about the long, slow game of making things real.

Saturn likes to get serious about things, so it will be calling our attention to get serious about our spiritual and mystical beliefs, dreams, creativity, and intuition (all qualities of Pisces), and making good use of them.

There will tension between religion, faith and facts. What is real versus what is imagined. Faith versus realism. Saturn represents the horizon, the heavens and the earth. Ancient astrologers weren’t aware of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, so Saturn was seen as the last planet, and, thus, is is mystical.

So, we could see scientists or skeptics becoming more open to spiritual/mystical matters, and even giving them more validity. For example, we might notice people taking astrology more seriously over the next few years. It’s time to get more in touch with our mystical nature.

Jupiter represents truth and meaning, thus Saturn in Pisces will be reminding us to return to the meaning of life, something that can get lost in AI. What does it all mean? Are we living a meaningful life?

Pisces is a nocturnal sign so this is a period of going deep within. Saturn in Jupiter’s sign indicates wisdom and with intuitive Pisces, it’s a time of strengthening your inner wisdom and listening to your gut and intuitive messages more seriously. We will be called to a engage with a higher wisdom.

Saturn also signifies ethics and accountability, so with Saturn in a watery sign, this is an important time for societies to be keeping themselves accountable to do things ethically as we move more into an AI kind of world. With Pisces signifying connectedness, Saturn there says, we need to get serious about banding together and taking care of each other.

There will also be a strong water theme. In traditional astrology, Saturn represented the sea and ships. Pisces is a water sign, and Neptune represents water as well. This will be both literal and imaginative. As we know with climate change, the sea levels are rising. We will need to take serious action to deal with this.

Pisces is the sign of the two-fishes. Astrology can be eerily literal so we might be talking more about fish and how we’re overfishing the oceans, something we already know, but perhaps it will gain more attention during this time. We could also see more serious attention on preventing and dealing with floods, oil spills in the ocean, dealing with contaminated water, and water right and equity, etc.

The Piscinean fish can represent swimming in different directions and with the mutable energy, this signifies a flexible, changeable, and an adaptable time.

Saturn likes to control, but it will be best to try to go with the flow. It will be important to be solid and grounded in a fluid environment.

Along with this mutable energy comes a highly creative time and we will see a flourish of new and interesting art in culture. As Saturn likes to get to business and be useful and Pisces likes to use its imagination, this is a perfect time to put the creativity of our imaginations into action and make tangible, useful things out of them. Saturn will support us in applying discipline to our creative projects.

Although Saturn in Pisces will bring some fresh problems (cause life is not devoid of them), I see Saturn’s time in Pisces as an incredibly creative and artistic opportunity. It’s also a transitional one.

It’s time to GET SERIOUS ABOUT OUR creative spirit and soul’s purpose.

Want to know what Saturn in Pisces means for you, personally? We can go over that more deeply in an astrology reading. You can book one with me below.


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