Aquarius Through The Eyes Of Saturn Instead Of Uranus
Saturn is the quirky one.
We’re entering Aquarius season, so it’s a good time to talk about this sign and why it’s one of the most misunderstood ones like Saturn’s other sign, Capricorn. Modern astrology assigns the planet Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius, but in traditional astrology, Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius. Ancient astrologers were not aware of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto; they focused on the planets that you could see from the naked eye, and believed those planets to be omens.
Hellenistic astrology created an organized, sophisticated system of planets ruling signs based on the seven traditional planets (including the luminaries: the Sun & the Moon) that you can see with the naked eye. Each planet except for the the Sun and Moon (which rule one sign each) rule two signs. Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius.
It’s hard to say what ancient astrologers would have done with Uranus if they were aware of it during their time, and whether they would have assigned it to Aquarius or another sign or no sign at all. But, in my personal experience with astrology, I’ve understood Aquarius a lot better through the eyes of Saturn instead of Uranus, as the Aquarians in my life have resembled Saturn more than Uranus.
Uranus was first discovered 1781 through a telescope. In short, astrologers thought that the modern planets (Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) should also rule signs, thus they tried to pick signs that made sense for them to rule, and they assigned Uranus to Aquarius based on some significations they have in common. However, even though Aquarius and Uranus have some qualities in common, ultimately, I believe Saturn makes the most sense to be assigned to Aquarius.
Uranus and Saturn are two very different planets with very different significations. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, freedom, disruption and surprises. Saturn is pretty much the opposite of that. Saturn is restriction, consistency, contraction, control, law and order. Because modern astrology has conditioned us to associate Uranus with Aquarius, Aquarius has been thought of as progressive and rebellious. However, that’s not always what Aquarius is.
Aquarians aren’t, automatically, progressive rebels. Some absolutely are, no doubt about it, but there are progressive rebels of every sign. Aquarius can be rebellious in the sense that they like to beat to their own drum and are attached to doing things their way. Aquarians do not like being told what to do. But, this “rebelliousness” or difference is actually a Saturn trait. Aquarians have a different way of thinking about and doing things. Their interesting mind and qualities come from Saturn.
Traditionally, Saturn was associated with being an outsider, a “weirdo,” different, quirky. We tend to think of Aquarians as quirky, and they are because of Saturn. Saturn is a quirky one, and we can see this with people who have Saturn in their first house, even if they don’t have any planets in Aquarius or Capricorn, the other sign Saturn rules. If somebody has Saturn in the first house, they probably have a quirkiness to them as the first house is the house of self, your personality, and is the only house that represents only you.
Aquarius can rebel against certain social expectations, especially with their ideas, because Saturn subverts social expectations. 2nd century astrologer, Vettius Valens, teaches us that Saturn is also associated with “exclusion” and “rejection”. Aquarians might feel excluded or rejected in or by society in some way. That doesn’t mean all Aquarians are progressive, rebellious, punk rocker revolutionaries. Some are. Others are actually quite traditional and of the establishment, but may feel like a societal outsider.
Some Aquarians work inside “the establishment,” but teach ideas that question the establishment itself, like academic professors who question the very structures they work in. Aquarius wants structure and stability, something Saturn offers, not Uranus. Saturn represents both the establishment and outside of the establishment.
Saturn straddles the both and, and it straddles the binary, like opposites. In Hellenistic astrology, Saturn was associated with the aspect of the opposition. Saturn was associated with light and the darkness, heavens and the earth, the binaries of life, but also subverting the binary.
So, on one hand, you have Saturn, who is very traditional and conservative (and I don't mean in a political party kind of way, but conservative in the way that one goes about things), then, on the other hand, you have Saturn that subverts the establishment, the social order, social dynamics, social conditioning and expectations, the systems and structures in place, and systems of oppression. Saturn represents both the systems of oppression, and the subversion of systems of oppression.
Aquarius is the opposite sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun. Hellenistic astrology based planetary rulership on the speed and distance planets are from the Sun. Since Saturn is the furthest and slowest planet from the Sun, Hellenistic astrologers thought of Aquarius as the sign of the Sun’s detriment.
Uranus and Aquarius do have some qualities in common, like innovation, but Uranus innovates from a spark whereas Aquarius innovates from an organized mind, more slowly and deliberately, as that’s Saturn’s way. If we look at the triplicity rulers of Aquarius, we have Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. This is where Aquarius gets its future thinking innovation significations. Saturn wants to improve things. Jupiter looks at the big picture. Mercury is like a light bulb, full of ideas, and signifies inventors and inventions. Aquarius is also an air sign, and with air, we have an association with the mind, ideas and the intellect.
Aquarians are too consistent, serious, and dependable (qualities of Saturn) to be ruled by Uranus. Astrologer, SJ Anderson says that Aquarius is “a sign that wants to implement a new order.” It wants to reform and improve. Reform and order is Saturn. Uranus doesn’t care about order; it disrupts (for good or bad). Uranus is like an earthquake. Aquarius wants stability even if its ideas de-stabilize. Aquarius wants some kind of order and stability even if it is progressive.
As a fixed signs of Saturn, Aquarians shows up, reliably, working towards a greater vision for humanity and society. Young soul Aquarians can be more aligned with the oppressive side of Saturn not fully understanding how much the oppressive systems and ideas don’t actually serve them. Old soul Aquarians are more interested in progressive ideas and practices, but from a Saturn way of doing things, not the spontaneous and erratic way of Uranus. Uranus has its own interesting qualities that affirms Aquarius belongs to Saturn.
Want to learn more about the planets in your birth chart and what they signify for you and your life, personally? Then, I invite you to book an astrology reading with me HERE, and I would love to go over all of that with you!