Airen Astrology Airen Astrology

Pluto Entering Aquarius: Welcome to the AI World

Pluto in Aquarius will continue to bring our attention to how we’re connected and how we want the network to be. Pluto will be confronting the power conflicts and dynamics in relation to technology and how we’re connected. Who’s in power? Who’s going to be in power as we enter an even more advanced age of AI?

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Airen Astrology Airen Astrology

Aquarius Through The Eyes Of Saturn Instead Of Uranus

Modern astrology assigns Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius, but in traditional astrology, Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius. Ancient astrologers weren’t aware of the “modern planets” (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) because you need a telescope to see them. Hellenistic astrologers focused on the planets you could see from the naked eye and believed them to be omens.

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