In my previous post, I expanded on why the sign, Cancer, is the gateway of humankind, as astrologer Adam Elenbaas pointed out. In this post, I want to expand on why Cancer’s opposite sign, Capricorn, was called “the gateway of the gods.”

Katie Ellen Hazeldean states that"Neoplatonic Chaldean philosophy said that the souls of the newly dead return to the cosmic sea ascending through the gate of the gods, the star gate of Capricorn."

Capricorn is the original goth sign, not Scorpio (although, yes, Scorpio is too), because of Saturn and Mars. Capricorn is where Saturn is at home AND where Mars is exalted. This is why Capricorn is always focused on its goals, sometimes trying to build an empire (like Jeff Bezos), but more evolved old soul Capricorns are not interested in empires. I’ve known a lot of Capricorns Suns, Moons and Risings, and they’re all incredibly creative, mystical people trying to make the world a better place in their own way. 

In order to understand Capricorn, we have to understand its ruler, Saturn. In the ancient world, Saturn was the last planet that they could see with the naked eye, so it represented (and it still does represent) this boundary between heaven and earth. As an earth sign, Capricorn is in touch with the reality of life, with the material world, and is trying to transcend what it’s dissatisfied with about it (which is a lot these days), and is interested in ascending to the heavens. 

This is why many climb the corporate ladder, they’re trying to ascend. But, the old soul Caps know that corporate ascension is a lie, so they ascend through spiritual means. As the nocturnal sign of Saturn (Aquarius is the diurnal sign of Saturn), Capricorn’s edginess rests internally with deep, melancholic reflection. This is part of ascending to “the gateway of the gods.” Spending time alone, contemplating, and learning how to just be, like the earth. 

Saturn represents death, and the ancients thought of Capricorn as the constellation where we ascend to when we die. This is another reason why Capricorn is the original goth sign. Cancer is where we come to in this body, on this earth, where the soul meets the body. Capricorn is where we return to in the sky when we die. Saturn is a mystical planet taking us to the heavens, to our heavenly or spiritual nature. 

Adam Elenbaas said that Cancer asks us, “how do we live a life in a body, in a world that we're meant to get immersed in while not losing touch with the ground of our being?” This is what Capricorn can offer us. Capricorn offers us a groundedness of being as an earth sign ruled by Saturn in touch with our spiritual nature. Capricorn keeps its feet on the ground but its spirit in the sky. 

Cancer and Capricorn are two sides of the same coin as all opposite signs are. All opposite signs witness each other and have qualities in common, and what I've noticed is that they are able to meet some of each other's deepest needs.

As a water, nocturnal sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer absorbs the emotions and energy of other people and its environment very easily, and thus, what it deeply craves are boundaries, stability and security. Capricorn is ruled by the planet of boundaries (Saturn), is able to give Cancer the parameters, protection, security and dependability that it needs. 

As an earth sign, Capricorn does not wear its emotions on its sleeve. It does not want you to see it sweat or struggle. But, Capricorn does feel deeply and does struggle. What Capricorn deeply craves is a safe person and space they can be vulnerable with, but this vulnerability takes a a lot of earned trust over time. Cancer can give Capricorn the emotional and physical safety to hold its deepest vulnerabilities. 

Cancer and Capricorn are interested in cultivating a life that is meaningful, nurturing, and supportive. These are signs that want to commit for the long haul, but need the right nurturing and support in order to do so. 

All earth signs are fully committed to what's important to them, and transcending their connection to the material world. Adam shares, "Capricorn symbolically says, I've gotten so enmeshed in the material world that I need to start moving up and out, which is what goats are great at." Goats are the symbol of Capricorns, the sea-goat in particular.

Katie-Ellen from their website shares about the Sumerians, 

"Before a thousand BC, the Sumerians knew Capricorn as the goat fish. There appears to be a connection between Capricorn as a seagoat and Enki, the Sumerian god of wisdom and waters who also had the head and upper body of a goat and the lower body and tail of a fish. Later known as the god of intelligence, creation, crafts, magic, water, seawater, and lake water."

Saturn has also been associated with water and ships, the boundary of land and water, the sea-goat. There's this magic that Capricorn works hard to create that bridges the gap between the spiritual and the material work. Young soul Capricorns work hard in the material world building material empires, while old soul Capricorns are focused on building a life for themselves that is sustainable, meaningful, and purposeful transcending the earth and material worlds. 

Saturn is associated with high ranks, which is why some Caps are interested in climbing the corporate ladder and wanting to establish power. Some Caps will do this in an oppressive way because Saturn represents the oppressor. But, Saturn also represents those who are oppressed, so we also see many Caps working to end oppression. 

Old soul Capricorns are more interested in connecting spiritually, which involves making the world a more humane place. All of the Capricorns I've known are old souls who are very spiritually connected, mystical and magical focused on trying to transcend the material world. 

Curious about a particular area of your life, life direction, and/or what the next year of your life looks like for you? Experiencing a challenging time and want to get an idea of when it might change, and what this time is indicating for you? Then, I would love to have an astrology reading with you. You can book one with me HERE.


