Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs, but opposite signs aren't actually that opposite. In fact, opposite signs have qualities in common that make them a great fit for one another and better able to understand each other on a fundamental level. The qualities that Pisces and Virgo have in common are that they're both nocturnal signs and mutable signs.  

Opposite signs are two sides of the same coin that tend to mirror each other, and what I've noticed is that opposite signs are able to meet some of each other's deepest needs.

Virgo is an earth sign. Pisces is a water sign. Earth and water signs are nocturnal. Earth and water flow together. Virgo provides the ground for Pisces to flow. Pisces provides the emotional space for Virgo let go of its control and be vulnerable. 

Pisces needs something solid and tangible to hold its vast ocean of imagination, deep feelings and sensitivity. Virgo gives Pisces that groundedness, and, in turn, allows Virgo to express its deepest feelings. 

Jupiter rules Pisces, and Jupiter is the great teacher. Mercury rules Virgo, and Mercury can also be a teacher. Jupiter/Pisces teaches philosophy, higher truths, and the meaning of life. Virgo/Mercury has an incessant quest for learning and knowledge. Both complement each other as students of truth and knowledge.

Both have wisdom to share. Virgo's wisdom comes from the practical aspects of knowledge, how to refine one's practice, and create systems for learning to thrive. Pisces' wisdom comes from feeling into the consciousness of humanity and the Universe, and intuiting the deeper forces at play. 

Both Virgo and Pisces are creative and need to create. As an earth sign, Virgo creates tangible, practical things, often with their hands (as Mercury rules the hands). As a water sign, Pisces creates more abstractly revealing the bigger picture of life (as Jupiter is all about the bigger vision). 

Pisces taps into the connectedness of humanity, and reminds us of our boundless nature and how we can dream together. Virgo is interested in refining how we act so that we can create change through living by example. 

Both are healers. You often see folks with prominent Pisces in their chart in the healing professions of some kind or at least interested in the healing profession. You often see Virgo doing the same. Virgo might be more interested in healing the mind (Mercury) or the body (earth sign). You'll see Pisces doing sexual healing, relationship healing, spiritual teaching, and mysticism. Both are often artists of some kind even if they don't identify as such. 

And, for those who have prominent Virgo AND Pisces in their chart, then they are MAJOR healers, teachers, creatives and artists, and this is absolutely what their soul is here to do. 

But, Virgos and Pisces are *not* here to do one thing, they're mutable, they need to be doing MULTIPLE things. They contain multitudes. They need to have multiple, different professions throughout their life, but, also, a number of different creative and artistic outlets that have nothing to do with work or money. 

One of the things Pisces/Virgo can remind us is that it's important for our souls to create for creative sake without all of our art and creativity having to be monetized.

Not everything needs to be monetized. Taking money out of the equation can unlock more of your creative spirit and, that, in turn, can end up enhancing the work you do for money even though that's not the original purpose. But, the point is NOT work for capitalism. The point is to be creative for the sake of our soul. 

One of the traps Virgo can fall into is perfection because it's interested in refinement. Virgo is here to learn to let go of needing things to be perfect, and to let their spirit be free, to let their art and creativity be free. Pisces/Jupiter can help Virgo free themselves from control. 

I think this quote from Virginia Woolf sums up Virgo and Pisces well:

"I am rooted, but I flow."

Virgo and Pisces remind us that we can still be rooted and flow when change is happening to us or around us.

Curious about a particular area of your life, life direction, and/or what the next year of your life looks like for you? Experiencing a challenging time and want to get an idea of when it might change, and what this time is indicating for you? Then, I would love to have an astrology reading with you. You can book one with me HERE.


