There’s an advanced ancient astrology technique called "Profections,” and because it's advanced, I don't teach it for free, but to give you an idea of it's basic concept, each house in your chart represents a different year of your life, and that house is ruled by a particular planet. And, that planet is what I call your "Planet Guide" (it's called "Time Lord" in ancient astrology) of the year starting from your birthday and going until your next birthday. 

Your "Planet Guide" is the planet that is, in essence, guiding your life for that year calling you to engage with the significations of that planet. 

For example, if your "Planet Guide" this year (starting on your birthday) is Venus, then your birthday year is a Venusian themed one. Venus is creativity, art, love, connection, relationships, social dynamics, pleasure and joy. So, your year would have Venusian themes. 

But, it's not just that your year might be Venetian themed (if Venus is your planet guide of the year), it's that this next year is inviting you to engage with Venetian themes. Life doesn't just happen to us, but we are also apart of creating it. We are giving opportunities to engage with the planets and the archetypes they represent. 

So, if Venus is your planet guide of the year, then it's a great year to go to art museums, paint, focus on what brings you joy and pleasure, connect more with your friends and loved ones, bring more romance into your life, wear more jewelry, adorning yourself, connecting with Venus energy. 

Connecting with the energy of the planet that guides your year will help enhance your experience during that year. You can think of this planet as a helpful guide for this year of your life, and connecting with it's helpful energies can be a source of support and enjoyment. 

With this technique, we look at another layer of your year by looking at the house year that you're in and what the topics of that house are. So, if you are in a 10th house year of career ruled by Venus, then infusing creativity into your career and doing work that brings you joy is in focus for you over the next year. 

It also means that Venus aspects and any Venus retrogrades that year will be extra potent and important for you. And, if you have any planets in the house that represents your year, then those planets will also be guiding your story that year adding more layers. 

If this sounds too confusing, don't worry about it. This is why I recommend getting an astrology reading every year around your birthday (and not just around the new Gregorian year) so that you can be aware of your "Planet Guide" along with the house and sign it's in to gain more insights into the themes of your life that year. 

But, even if your birthday happened a while ago and you want a reading, we'll still talk about your "Planet Guide" of your year along with anything else that is up for you right now as well as what the rest of the year looks like for you. 

Interested in getting a reading? Go HERE to book one with me.
