Growth and opportunities of what we nurture

Jupiter enters Taurus May 16th/17th and will stay there until May 2024. This is one of transits I’m most looking forward to for my personal birth chart. On a collective level, this will have to do with themes of nature and nurture.

Taurus is the earth, fixed, nocturnal sign of Venus. We’re dealing with the material world, practical matters, the beauty of physical things, the body, embodying, what we value, the physical earth, refinement, slowness, the senses, and sensual delights.

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, opportunity, travel, knowledge, truth, scholars, philosophy, optimism, wisdom, abundance, freedom, governments, authorities, holy places, wealth, inheritances, nobility, good thing, growth, enjoyment, etc. In ancient astrology, Jupiter was seen as one of the most positive planets if not THE most positive.

On a collective level, with Jupiter in Taurus, we will be dealing with themes of money, wealth, climate change, our physical earth, resources, reproductive rights, food injustice/justice, food shortages versus food abundance, the security of our resources and rights, slow growth and quality versus quantity.

The issues of our basic needs in regards to food, shelter and clothing will be a focus. Taurus is all of those things. Taurus is where the Moon is exalted, and the Moon is also food, shelter/home, environment, and our needs.

Jupiter is in Venus’ sign so we have Venetian themes of love, romance, physical art and beauty. Taurus likes to refine and tends to enjoy the more refined pleasures in life.

Jupiter in Taurus will be calling our attention to focus more on higher quality things, relationships and experiences rather than more for more sake.

Jupiter in Taurus will have us delighting in the physical world, in nature, gardening, and nurturing the seeds planted during Aries season to help grow our garden. As an earth sign, Taurus is nature so we might be more in touch with our love and appreciation for nature during this time and become more thoughtful about how we’re using the earth’s resources and caring for the physical environment.

The Moon represents nurturing, both what we nurture and what/who nurtures us. The Moon is exalted in Taurus. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, the Moon’s sign, so the theme of nurture is strong. We will be feeling more drawn to nurture the seeds we’ve been planting, which include work/career/life’s purpose, our relationships, and all of the things we care about in this world.

Taurus is a slow, steady, and reliable sign. Jupiter here wants to offer growth and opportunity to those of us who regularly nurture our plants, both literally and metaphorically.

Jupiter wants to offer blessings to those who keep showing up little by little tending to and caring for what matters and what is meaningful.

Jupiter represents truth and higher meaning, and it will be exposing the corruption of the earth and its resources even more. It will be asking us to have a more honest relationship with our environment as well as with one another. In Taurus, it will be calling us to be in greater integrity and embody our values.

Take pleasure in high quality work, art, creativity, relationships, and experiences, and don’t be afraid to exercise high standards. Jupiter will be upping your standards in the Taurus sector of your chart, especially since it will have a harmonious aspect with Saturn in Pisces, and Saturn is in Jupiter’s sign. Saturn demands higher standards, so the combo of Jupiter and Saturn means higher expectations and higher quality everything in general.

With Jupiter and Saturn aspecting each other for the next year, and both of them together representing authority, governments, truth, higher standards, etc, we will see people in high ranks, positions of authority and in government be put to the test. If these people have been acting in integrity, then they will experience positive opportunities. If they haven’t, then they will be held accountable for their actions.

This will be, particularly, true when Jupiter first ingresses into Taurus as that will square Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto deals with power and power dynamics, so we will see more truth brought to the surface surrounding authorities and governments in an effort for greater liberation (Jupiter wants freedom).

It’s important to note that Jupiter offers growth and expansion, but growth and expansion isn’t always pleasant.

Often times, it’s painful and complex. Jupiter offers opportunity here if we put in the work to grow in sustainable ways. As a fixed sign, Taurus wants to sustain whatever it’s working with or on, and to sustain the quality of something, not just the quantity.

In your personal life, wherever you have Taurus in your chart will get a boost and go through a year of growth and expansion offering you opportunity here. It could be more of an inner growth rather than an external growth though. You can get an idea of what this will have to do with for you by looking at the whole sign house in your chart where you have Taurus.

You can also think about what has been going on for you over the last year because the 2022 eclipses where in the Taurus/Scorpio axis and we just had Mercury retrograde in Taurus. What themes were coming up for you? What changes have occurred? What changes have you been wanting to make? This is where you can take advantage of new opportunities you want to bring into your life.

If you have Taurus rising, Sun or Moon, you will be be getting a boost to your physical vitality and might be feeling more positive and optimistic and even lucky. You could be growing in big ways and really called to shine in your life, especially when Jupiter is exactly touching your ascendant point or Sun.

If you have a Taurus Moon, you might experience growth in regards to your living situation, whether that’s moving somewhere new, buying a house, or matters of your home/living situation will feel more positive overall during this transit. If you have Venus in Taurus, you could experience more positivity in your relationships and friendships, finding yourself more drawn to art and art museums, or experimenting with some new fashion or physical looks.


