PLUTO IN AQUARIUS: Entering New Dimensions Of Time And Space, Scientific Breakthroughs and Social Movements
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We are entering a new kind of world that Pluto in Aquarius is showing us. This new world will bring all kinds of advancement in the form of technology, bending time and space, and other worldly intelligence.
Photo by Salvatore Andrea Santacroce on Unsplash
Pluto was in Capricorn for roughly 15 years digging deep into the structures and foundations that shape our world. Capricorn is the earth sign of Saturn dealing with our material reality. Aquarius is the air sign of Saturn, which deals with more of the mental structures that bind humanity.
Pluto fully submerged in Aquarius on November 19th, 2024 for twenty years. Since it’s in one sign for a while, the changes it indicates will be gradual though the themes Pluto in Aquarius brings is advancing us to different technological and scientific breakthroughs and realities.
Pluto is the God of the Underworld and represents depth, intensity, extremes, making small things big, power, and rebirth. Air signs, like Aquarius, have an association with the mind, ideas and the intellect. Air is also a connector and a network, so we’re looking at the ways we’re connected on a mental level. Aquarius is associated with the manifestations of air and space. Pluto in Aquarius will launch us deeper into space, technology, and learning. Saturn is associated with time and reality. Pluto in Aquarius will be showing us a different reality of what we thought we knew, especially in regards to time and space.
Of course, we’re talking about launching into space more, and we’re also talking about space in terms of "aliens" because space opens up the possibility of life outside of Earth. We've been hearing increasing talk about UFOs and extraterrestrials over recent years, and we will continue to in the years to come. But, it won't just be talking about extraterrestrials and opening up the conversation more, there will likely be more contact with otherworldly beings in profound, undeniable ways that governments can no longer cover up. Some believe that these beings have been on Earth and in the oceans for millennia and have already been in contact with some of us.
Pluto digs deep uncovering what has been hidden and brings the truth to the surface. We could see a big shift in perspective about what time really is and how our idea of it being linear is not the whole truth. Will we find portals into other worlds? Will humanity be introduced to time travel?
Obviously, there are a lot of different theories, and you may not believe in any of them, but whether you believe that “aliens” exist and are with us or not, or whether we can time travel, the fact is that we will be hearing a lot more stories about UFOs, other worldly beings and manipulating time and space during Pluto’s stay in Aquarius.
AI, Power & Liberation
AI will be ramping up big time in ways that we cannot even imagine right now. With the emergence of AI and a new world, we have to learn how to navigate advanced technologies. There will be some powerful technological breakthroughs. Mercury is a triplicity ruler of Aquarius, and Mercury is related to scientists as well as doctors and medical matters, so we can expect incredible breakthroughs in the medical realm, which could be quite positive.
Pluto also warns us of the fraught power dynamics underlying inventive technologies. The God of the Underworld is going to be digging deep into them, uncovering the muck, and offering us a rebirth. It will be important for us to have people in positions of power who care about humanity and human rights. Not just politicians, but the people designing the advanced technologies. What are their intentions?
When Pluto has been in Aquarius before, there have been revolutionary times - big intellectual and educational advances, rebelling against authority and the dominant system. We will continue to see revolts against the establishment and incredible societal advances.
AI is also forcing us to learn more about humanity, how to preserve it, and what is of most importance. Pluto in Aquarius will be offering us greater opportunities for collective liberation, and since we’re more connected than ever, we’ll be able to band together creatively to further much needed social movements.
Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius, also represents oppression and those oppressed, so we can expect a continuation of Pluto bringing to the surface the muck societies have tried to keep buried. It’s time to build technological breakthroughs that actually support and serve all of us humans. It’s important to remember that we DO have power and agency in this fast-forward moving society. We are not powerless, and we can exercise our power to continue to liberate ourselves and each other from systems of oppression and harm. We can decide to connect with each other on a soul level and find refuge in the spirit realm.
A New Order
Astrologer, SJ Anderson says that Aquarius is “a sign that wants to implement a new order.” Aquarius, the future sign of Saturn is more focused on envisioning, creating, and building a solid future that betters support humanity. At least, that’s what old soul Aquarians are focused on. Aquarius is associated with learning and the intellect. A re-order and re-structure of our learning and education is also part of Pluto digging around in Aquarius. Of course, AI will aid all of our learning, and we will be learning how to work with this technology over the next several decades. Those who are interested in creating a new order will be inventing new systems through the network connecting more people experiencing more collaboration and co-creation of learning.
Pluto in Aquarius will be asking us to take our society and civilization to a whole new level.
As Pluto represents power and power dynamics, power structures and struggles will be strong, and there will be a battle of those in power who want to control technology and inventions for their benefit as opposed to the benefit of humanity. There will be a struggle between those who want to preserve outdated establishments and those who want to move society into new ways of thinking, being and creating.
In true Pluto fashion, things need to die in order to be reborn. May oppressive power structures die, and we birth a better system that serves the liberation for all. What we can do is try to make the world a better place in our everyday lives. We have the power to liberate ourselves and each other from systemic oppression, to advocate for social justice and human rights, and to design our systems and structures from an inclusive and equitable place.
"My hope emerges from those places of struggle where I witness individuals positively transforming their lives and the world around them."
~bell hooks
May we, as a human species, use technology ethically and for the betterment of all humans. I’m here for positive medical breakthroughs, banding together to unlearn systems of oppression, liberation for all, and connecting more with our soul’s nature.
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