If you have fear and anxiety about the astrology at times, I hope I can help ease that a bit. It’s completely understandable if you do. When you're warned that eclipses are coming, Saturn is saying no, and Pluto is mucking around somewhere deep in your subconscious, it’s easy to get anxiety.  

I’ve had my fair share of fear and anxiety when it comes to anticipating certain astrological transits. I still have it at times. One very important thing I’ve learned, though, from my own experience is that the so called “bad” astrology doesn’t always show up badly. Sometimes, it shows up as nothing or is actually indicating something more positive or meaningful in my life. So, I got curious….

There must be more nuance to the so called “bad” astrology than we think, and, indeed there is.  I remember when I started studying astrology and paying more attention to what astrologers were sharing. Whenever they would hype up an astrological transit that’s supposed to be challenging, I would get worried and mark my calendar. 

But, I noticed a theme. More often than not, when these more challenging planetary transits arrived, nothing particularly “bad” happened in my life. 
It’s not that the astrology wasn’t doing anything (there were definitely things going on in the world), but it’s that the astrology impacts everyone differently depending on our birth charts. 

So, you might hear astrologers warn about the big bad wolf of eclipses, for example, and get worried, but the eclipses might actually be an important, positive turning point in your life. 

It can also be something that’s both positive and challenging. It’s common to experience challenging and joyful experiences all at the same time in our lives. 

On the contrary, it might feel like absolutely nothing is happening at all for you like, That was it? All these astrologers kept warning about these eclipses but literally nothing has happened for me. Lol

It’s true that it could feel that way for you, and something meaningful might actually be brewing for you under the radar that you either haven’t noticed or it hasn’t revealed itself yet. 

It was the evening of an eclipse when I wrote my first astrology newsletter. I didn’t plan on it, but inspiration struck and I answered the call, then I realized it was an eclipse. OH YEAH. New beginnings. 

Sometimes, the so-called “bad” astrology brings us greater clarity of something, a stronger intuitive hit, or a small inspired action that ignites a longer, meaningful road. 

I know there’s a lot of astrology out there that can add more fuel to the fire of anxiety we feel in this bonkers world. I encourage you to take it with a grain of salt, test it out in your own life, look at the reality of what shows up for you because the astrology is always nuanced. And, the astrology doesn’t work the same way for everyone because we all have different birth charts. 

My intention, as an astrologer, is to help you feel more encouraged by the astrology, and I prefer to take a more uplifting approach in my readings with clients. Of course, I also want to keep it real and not deny or dismiss what could be a challenging time. It’s a balance of not getting too “doom and gloom” but also not getting all “positive vibes only”.

The reality can show up in a lot of different ways and the future is always unwritten. The fact of life is that there are always challenges and there are joys and everything in between. The astrology reveals all of the different challenging and joyful experiences we have, of which we all have at varying degrees.

I do not think you need to fear the astrology. Life is life, and there will always be challenges, but not every challenging planetary aspect shows up as challenging for folks. But, if it does, please know I’m here to talk about it with you in an astrology reading. I’ve certainly gone to astrologers going, wtf has been going on my life??? and have found it incredibly helpful using the astrology to process my pain and obstacles with a professional astrologer. 

Also, you don’t have to be going through a challenging time in order to get a useful astrology reading. It can be helpful to talk about your soul’s purposes, the joys and harmony in your life, what’s going well for you, and what the next year is good for in your life. 

I’ve learned not to fear the astrology. Most of my fear has been replaced with curiosity like, hmmm what’s going to happen? And, sometimes, the “what” isn’t something that happens to me, but, rather, a new way I feel inspired to act. 

Want to know what your “Big 3” (rising, sun, moon) reveal about your soul’s journey? Check out my FREE resource here.


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