The nodes and your nodal return reveal deeply meaningful events and spiritual times.

What are the nodes?

Astrologer, S.J. Anderson, says, "The lunar nodes are some of the most important points in astrology."

The lunar nodes are points (not planets) in space of where the path of the Sun and the path of the Moon cross. This is why they define the eclipses because they are the points where the eclipses occur. 

The eclipses are thought of as fated events that take place in our life. Ancient astrologers saw them as a time to basically hunker down and let fate runs its course because what happens during eclipse season is out of our control. 

As S.J. describes, eclipses are "accelerated fatedness; things get wonky and strange; reality changes and inverts. They're a clue that reality is different than it normally is." 

Or, it's different than you thought it was going to be. You had a plan for your life, but the eclipses happened and BAM, now, you're on another path or your path got accelerated. 

The nodes and eclipses are a perfect example of "be careful what you ask for" because they can speed up events up in your life that you want making them happen sooner than you planned.

But, this is part of your destiny.

The timing of events in our lives can be some of the hardest things to accept. For example, not finding your soulmate who you can have a healthy and beautiful relationship with until much later in life, having a baby much later or earlier than you expected, or your career taking off at a certain point in your life when you least expected it. 

Eclipses set things in motion that your soul came here to do. Sometimes, this can be more subtle at first, then grow into something bigger. Other times, it's quite an obvious, significant event that has happened propelling you on a new path. 

The nodes mark the eclipses and are tied to your destiny. 

But, what is destiny? 

It's a loaded term. Essentially, your soul came into this life to have certain experiences and use its gifts. To me, your destiny consists of the most important things your soul intended to do in this life. 

Your soul had a general, loose plan coming into this life of what it wanted to experience, but not everything goes according to plan. Life on Earth is harsh; humans are greatly imperfect. Sometimes, you can be distracted from your life plan or taken off of it entirely. 

The nodes try to get you back on track to what your soul came here to do, and the eclipses are events that introduce you to new opportunities better aligned for your soul.

As astrologer, Chris Brennan, says, "eclipses bring great endings and great beginnings." In order to follow our destiny, some things need to end so that other things can begin. But, while the nodes and eclipses are your soul's way of saying, let's go on this path now, that doesn't mean that you will say yes to the call. 

This is where free will comes in. You still have to decide whether you will live more according to your destiny or not. If you resist your destiny or you're too scared to embrace your soul's gifts, you'll probably feel immensely frustrated and unfulfilled. 

Fate can introduce a new path to you, but it's up to you to answer the call. It's up to you to say yes to the path your soul wants to take and take deliberate actions to use your gifts and have the other experiences your soul wants to have. 

the significance of your nodal return

Your nodal return is when the nodes return to the exact signs that they were in when you were born. We have several nodal returns throughout our lifetime, and each time we do, it’s an important time in our lives.

Your nodal return puts you on the next path that your soul wants to embark on. Your soul came here to have multiple experiences, and your life includes multiple chapters. Your nodal return points you to what's next for you, and the eclipses reveal important events or revelations pertaining to your spiritual path. 

A nodal return can be a highly spiritual time when you engage in new spiritual practices or deepen your spiritual relationship. During my first nodal return as a young adult, I began seriously questioning my belief in Christianity and by the end of it, I had let go of that faith altogether. That nodal return put me on a new path that involved exploring a new spiritual belief system. It was one of the most liberating times of my life. 

During my second nodal return, I fully committed to going deeper with astrology, learning its ancient roots, and becoming an astrologer. Deepening my learning of astrology helped me feel closer to my soul in a way that I never felt before in my life. I also deepened my learning and practice of past life healing. 

You can see how powerful a nodal return can be. Where the nodes are in your chart and what planets they're aspecting also tell you what areas of your life get shaken up during nodal returns. 

The placement of the nodes in your birth chart signify the experiences your soul wants to have, the lessons it wants to learn, and what gifts you came here to use. 

You can reflect on your past nodal returns and think about what was going on for you during that time, and how it was a significant part of your life. You can also look ahead to your next nodal return to get an idea of when things might shift for you in profound ways. 

Want to dive deeper into the placement of the nodes in your chart and what they're signifying in your life? Then, I recommend booking an astrology reading below.


