I've seen a lot of clients this year who have their Rising sign, Sun sign or Moon sign in an air sign: Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, and I don't think that's a coincidence. 

Part of this is because Gemini and Aquarius, in particular, have been GOING THROUGH IT, especially in 2022 when Mars had its long ass stay in Gemini (from August 2022-March 2023) and Saturn was in Aquarius the entire year. Mars and Saturn aren't the easiest of planets and it can be challenging when they're in your Rising, Sun or Moon sign. 

Also, the nodes changed signs to Libra/Aries in July 2023 and we had our first eclipse in Libra in October 2023, which ignited an electric current in the lives of Air sign folks. 

But, I also think I've been getting a lot of prominent air sign folks because subconsciously they KNOW that 2024 is going to be a big one for them. Why? 

  • We will continue to have eclipses in Libra - in March and October of 2024.

  • Pluto moves into Aquarius in January 2024 and will be there most of the year.

  • Jupiter moves into Gemini in May 2024 and will be there for a year. 

It's big changes for Air sign Rising, Sun and Moon people, and for some of you Air sign folks, these changes have already sparked! These could absolutely be positive changes and many of them will be, AND sometimes positive changes require you to make hard decisions that other people will be hurt by, or they will be messy, but ultimately, there's a rainbow waiting for you on the other side.

Change isn't always easy even if it's something we want. The changes that eclipses bring are outside of your control. They might have sparked something that happened or will happen that doesn't line up with the timing that you want, but it is indeed the time for it. 

The change that Pluto in Aquarius wants is a deep dive, a process of rebirth. A renewal. I wrote a short poem about this year last year that Saturn in Aquarius inspired in me:

Follow me into the dark
So I can heal your heart
That's what Saturn & Pluto said
Showing me what's dead
From the depths
I mourn
In order to be reborn

Aquarius Rising, Sun and Moon folks, you will be going through a renewal over the next 20 years. A rebirth. You will not be the same person you used to be. Not to worry. I just went through this rebirth with Pluto in Capricorn and I have several planets in Capricorn, including my Sun. For me, it was all about my 7th house of relationships, and, oh yes, that has that been a wild ride since 2008 (when Pluto entered Capricorn), and I've come out of it feeling reborn in my relationship to romantic relationships. 

Sometimes, a rebirth is exactly what we need.

Gemini rising, sun and moon friends, when Jupiter moves into Gemini in May 2024, this will be very positive for you. You will have an abundance of ideas and social connections. Your connections and your mind will expand. This is perfect for writing or podcasting or anything involving communication, networking, and connecting with others. You could be feeling more confident in yourself and your life, more optimistic. 

I'll be sharing more about Jupiter in Gemini and what that will look like for all of us as it gets closer. I'll also be sharing more about Pluto in Aquarius, but I did write about this earlier in the year, which you can read on my blog here

Want to know what areas of your life are in focus for you over the next year and when it’s the best time to do certain things? Then, I recommend booking an astrology reading below and we will go over that in greater detail!


