“Truth & Healing”-Scorpio Recognizing Genocide of Indigenous People in the U.S.
How Scorpio season invites us to heal
Photo by Planet Volumes🪐 on Unsplash
*Trigger Warning: Mention of genocide of Indigenous Peoples*
Scorpio season is still digging up the dark past in order for us to face it. This is what Scorpio does. It uncovers the truth, what’s been hidden for far too long, often the darkness that’s been buried.
As mentioned in my last post, Scorpio season is when the leaves begin dying in the Northern Hemisphere. Ancient astrology is based on the seasons. The planets and signs get their significations from the seasons. But, in the Southern Hemisphere, Scorpio season is when the weather is beginning to heat up. Mars rules Scorpio (not Pluto), and Mars is heat so we can see how this applies to the Southern Hemisphere as well.
Scorpio is the nocturnal sign of Mars (Aries is the diurnal sign of Mars). Scorpio season is a time of reflecting on the darkness of life, and demanding (Mars) the truth be told. Or, “heating up” the truth we could say.
In the news today, we heard about abuse at past Indigenous Boarding Schools in United States. This article states, “Beginning in the early 1800s, the U.S. government set up and supported more than 400 boarding schools designed to extinguish Indigenous culture and assimilate young Native Americans into white society. The goal, in the words of one of the first school’s founders, was to ‘kill the Indian in him and save the man.”
This should not be a surprise to us. We know how white colonists inflicted genocide on Indigenous peoples in the U. S., but Scorpio is bringing this back to the surface reminding us that “enough is enough” and the U. S. needs to finally acknowledge this genocide, which it has not done.
Another signification of Mars is violence and abuse. Thus, we have Mars showing us through Scorpio how the violent past still impacts the present, and must be dealt with. Indigenous people and communities are absolutely still affected by that genocide in the United States.
And, Scorpio says, yes, it was indeed GENOCIDE. Let’s call it what it really was and stop downplaying it in the interest of whiteness and white supremacy.
Scorpio gets a bad rap. It’s one of the most misunderstood signs, partly because modern astrologers have seen it through the eyes of Pluto instead of Mars. But, also, because Scorpio invites us to look deeper at the dark parts of life, and so many shy away from that. But, it’s necessary in order to heal the darkness.
We can align with Scorpio season more by reflecting on what truth needs to be told even if it’s uncomfortable. This is how the healing begins.
Take advantage now as we are heading into Sagittarius season very soon! Venus just went into Sagittarius today and Mercury will join them in Sagittarius tomorrow! The Sun will follow next week. We will be in a very Jupitarian time very soon. Stay tuned as I’ll say more about that too.
Jupiter represents more positive things than Mars, but in order to receive its full gifts, we must not forget about the healing benefits Mars offers us through Scorpio. We must confront the darkness before we can move into the light.
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