Photo by Ana Singh on Unsplash

Mercury retrograde is always a period we dread, and rightfully so as it’s always frustrating when things like communication and technology aren’t working the way we expect them to, but, it doesn’t have to be a “bad” time.

There are blessings of Mercury retrograde if we’re willing to look at and align with them. Below are my tips for how to flow with this energy instead of swim upstream.

But, first, let’s look at what Mercury represents in astrology so you have a better idea of what kinds of things will be wonkier than usual. Mercury signifies communication, words, technology, markets, trades, messages, writings, speech, banking, builders, doctors, discoveries, and speech among many other things. So, when Mercury is retrograde, you can expect delays and weird things happening in all of those areas.

Acceptance & pLAN FOR IT

Accept that this is a period when things like communication, technological channels and travel will not be working as well as usual. So, when you experience this, instead of getting all worked up, try to remember that Mercury is retrograde, and that means it’s a slow period. Mercury retrograde can shake up plans that we have made ahead of time, but you can plan for your plans to be disrupted 😂 You can schedule less during Mercury retrograde and prepare mentally that any plans you have could be subject to change.

Slow down & Rest more

This is not the time to go-go-go even though other energies might entice you otherwise. With Mercury slowing down, speed and action are not favorable during this time. It’s a slow period so time to embrace your inner turtle 🐢 Sit back, relax and ride the wave as much as possible. Don't try to control what you're not able to. Triple check emails, texts and messages you send. Try to avoid any arguments. Slow down. Rest more. Sleep more. 


It’s not the best time to start new projects or take new actions. Otherwise, you're going to be swimming upstream and you're more likely to face restriction and resistance. Mercury retrograde is the best time to revisit projects you’ve started in the past and review them. It’s a good time to make edits and improvements to things you've previously started and fixing what hasn't been working. Are you still aligned with them or not? What needs to stay and what needs to go?

Put your ideas for new projects aside and come back to them once this retrograde period is over because then it will be go-time!

Clean & Organize

It’s the perfect time to organize your closet, files, any paper or online documents, your house, and anything that could use some order. It’s also a great time to do some cleaning you haven’t done in a while, like the inside of your car, for example, as Mercury also represents automobiles.

Things to avoid

Bulldozing ahead with new projects. If you feel inspired to create something new, start jotting down notes for it, but I would wait until after the retrograde period before actually launching it or getting too serious about it.

Because communication is wonkier than usual, signing contracts is not favorable during Mercury retrograde. The risk of signing a contract during this time is that the communication won’t be as clear as you think it is and you’ll probably have to revisit the contract later on as there might be some misunderstandings. Try to wait until after the retrograde period to sign any important contracts.

The same is true for getting surgery or procedures. Mercury is associated with medical issues, so when Mercury isn’t operating at its best, then it’s best to avoid the more serious issues like surgery and procedures if possible.

You can expect travel plans to be delayed during Mercury retrograde. It’s not that you “shouldn’t” travel during this time, it’s just that you should expect more delays than usual.

Of course, if you do need to get surgery, sign a contract, travel, etc, then don't worry about it, just triple check everything, prepare as much as you can, relax, go with your gut and trust the process for *you*. The astrology impacts everyone differently. These are general guidelines.

Trust the timing of things and take advantage of the energy of Mercury retrograde. There will be a time to forage ahead and get moving, but not until after Mercury has exited its retrograde period. Try to take it as easy as you can and getting organized. That way, once Mercury has stationed direct, you’ll be prepared to leap forward again.

Want to learn how the upcoming mercury retrogrades will affect you personally? I recommend booking an astrology reading where we can go over that in more detail so you can better prepare.


