rising sign horoscopes 2025

FIND OUT WHAT areas of your life will experience new changes THIS YEAR


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Hi, I’m Cameron Airen (they/them, but sometimes they/she 🤷🏻), a professional astrologer supporting old souls to live a meaningful life. I have my certificate from The Hellenistic Astrology CourseI'm a SF Giants and baseball fan, book and art lover, movie and tv buff, coffee drinker, interested in ancient history, love talking about past lives, and an advocate for queer, intersectional feminism. 

I’ve been interested in astrology my whole life. Once I started studying its ancient roots and paid attention to how the planets signify events in our lives, I was blown away by how well this divination worked. I find astrology to be a useful tool in affirming and discovering our life experiences, purposes, and connecting more with our spiritual essence. 

I have a M.A. in Anthropology and Social Change and a B.A. in Women and Gender Studies. I’ve worked as a life coach, feminist, queer gender consultant, teacher and mentor, personal trainer and running coach. As an empath, intuitive, and highly sensitive person, I’ve always been able to see people’s gifts and have a desire to support them living a more fulfilling life. Most of my clients throughout the years have been multi-passionate humans who need to live life on their terms, not by society’s standards. 

Welcome, I’m happy you’re here!

rising sign horoscopes for 2025

Below are the Rising Sign Horoscopes 2025 for you. I hope you find it useful. Go ahead and scroll until you get to your rising sign. Why your rising sign? Because the houses in your birth chart are derived from your rising sign. The houses in astrology tell us what areas of life are in focus, so reading from your rising sign gives the most accurate information for your life. Don’t know your rising sign? I recommend checking out this site and entering your birth info to find out. Note: Your Ascendant is the same sign as your Rising Sign. Of course, if you’ve never had an astrology reading before, then I invite you to book an astrology reading with me to discover your birth chart.

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Disclaimer: There is A LOT going on in 2025 and I’m not able to mention every single thing in this horoscope, so please keep that in mind. If you’re interested to learn more, then I invite you to book an astrology reading with me where we can dive deeper into the nuances of what your particular birth chart reveals about the coming year. I also recommend getting a reading to help process how 2024 has been for you through the lens of cosmos, especially if you’ve had your fair share of challenges or have been wanting to make big changes.

Pisces Rising

This is an important year for you! It’s a chance for renewal. Most of the eclipses this year are in Pisces and Virgo (March and September). These eclipses are happening in your 1st and 7th house axis, which is all about you, your life direction, and your relationships, but your 4th and 10th houses will be activated as well, so this sparks new changes in all of the major areas of your life (self, relationships, home, family and career). A new identity and life direction is on the horizon for you, which you’ve probably already been feeling since the September eclipse in Pisces 2024.

Your 2nd house of finances, income, possessions, and relationship to money is going to be up for review and change. In March, there’s an eclipse in Aries, which is your 2nd house. This is the last of the three eclipses in Aries that have been happening over the last few years. In March and April, there will also be a Venus retrograde and a Mercury retrograde in Aries and Pisces. So, the first part of the year is about tying up loose ends around money, finances and shared resources. What changes have occurred in regards to your relationship to money, resources, income, and putting yourself out there over the last two years? Resources connected to family have been a theme in your life, what have you learned about your needs and desires in this area? Reviewing and reflecting on your shared resources and how you want to make your income will lead you into a new chapter of this area of your life as both Neptune AND Saturn will enter Aries this year. Their entrance into Aries means new beginnings for you in terms of how you make your money, and/or leaning on support from others. 

Saturn has been in your 1st house trying to make sure that your dreams have a really strong foundation to rest on so they can be sustainable. What foundations have you been building in the major areas of your life, with yourself, your identity, your body, career, vocation, home, and relationships? When Saturn moves into your 2nd house in May, it will be laying new foundations with your finances. You’ll be feeling more serious about making money and thinking of your long-term financial goals as Saturn wants things to last a long time. The trick here is not to fall into too much restriction or worry about finances, but to focus on how you can be financially supported in your strengths and gifts. Saturn here is an opportunity to think creatively about how you can make a living with your talents and what your soul came here to do. This is the year to start a new business, market and sell what you’ve already created, collaborate with folks who share your values, and/or receive financial support if it’s offered.

Jupiter, the planet that rules your rising sign has been in your 4th house focusing on your family, living situation, and private life. Jupiter has been offering an abundance of ideas for expanding your family or living situation, or moving into a bigger space, adding on to your existing home, or perhaps adding more travel to your life. Jupiter’s expansion here until June is a great time to think about how you can create more space to accommodate your needs and desires.  

Then, in June, when Jupiter moves into your 5th house of Cancer, this will be expanding your relationship to pleasure, and the focus will be on what brings YOU joy, expanding your hobbies and interests. You might take on new hobbies or interests at home and/or with family as Cancer represents home and family (whether it’s biological or chosen family). The 5th house can also involve children. You might find yourself spending more time with children (whether they are your own or not), or nurturing your childhood self and coming home to who you were when you were a child. With Jupiter in your 5th house and eclipses in your 1st/7th houses, if you’re wanting a romantic relationship, this is a good year to put your energy into calling in the right person(s) for you. 

Pluto is now officially in your 12th house beginning its deep dive into your spiritual psyche igniting a spiritual rebirth and renewal over the course of the next twenty years. Pay attention to spiritual shifts, new messages or connection to the spirit world. It’s time to dive deeper into your spiritual, intuitive gifts and deepen your relationship to the unseen world.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Aries Rising

This is a MAJOR year for you. It’s all about setting new foundations in every area of your life. Saturn AND Neptune will enter Aries this year, and we will have an eclipse in Aries, plus a Venus retrograde in Aries, AND a Mercury retrograde in Aries. Did I mention that this is a big year for you? 😅 

Major endings and new beginnings are happening for you this year. If you’ve been waiting for big changes to happen in your life, then this is your year. Or, the changes are coming whether you’ve been waiting for them or not. Not to worry though, these changes are part of what your soul is ready to do next. 

Because you’re having a lot of 1st house activation this year, and one of the topics of the 1st house is your body, you’ll want to pay extra attention to your body and well being. When your body needs to rest, make sure you give it rest. You might have physical issues you need to tend to, but you can try to prepare now by attempting to get any support that you need for your well being, whether that means scheduling doctor or dental appointments, seeing a chiropractor or herbalist, or trying to move your body more regularly. In fact, as a sign ruled by Mars, Aries needs a physical outlet to release stress and extra energy. What are some ways you genuinely enjoy moving your body? You don’t have to follow any toxic fitness messages, you just need to do you, listen to your body, and do what genuinely feels good to you. 

March will be an ESPECIALLY important month for you, so you’ll want to make a big note in your calendar. Neptune will enter Aries and we will have two eclipses, Aries and Virgo. The Aries eclipse will be the final one in Aries for many years and will wrap up the eclipse cycle that has been going through your 1st and 7th houses since April 2023. The Aires/Libra eclipses over the last few years have been pulling you into more freedom, independence, and drive. Who you are and how you identify as been going through a shift, and a new version of you has been emerging. What endings and new beginnings have you experienced in terms of your self-identity, your relationship to your body, and your relationship with others, especially your romantic ones and/or business partnerships?

A whole new chapter in your life wants to begin, which has already been set in motion from last year’s eclipses. In May, Saturn will move into Aries and want to lay completely new foundations in all the major areas of your life including self, career, home and living situation, and relationships. Both Saturn and Neptune will dip back into Pisces this year, but by 2026, they will be in Aries for good for a while. 2026 is when these new beginnings and foundations will take on more form, but this year is when the wheels start to turn.

Saturn has been in your 12th house since March 2023, and it’s wrapping up its time there before shifting into your 1st house of Aries. These last few years have been a highly creative time for you with your intuition and the spirit world nudging you. You’ve probably experienced your fair share of challenges and obstacles over the last few years. While life is always full of challenges and obstacles, you should notice a shift once Saturn moves into Aries in May. Until then, take advantage of the benefits of a 12th house transit, which calls you to take your intuition more seriously as well as your relationship to the unseen, spirit world. Saturn transiting your 12th house can feel like a “dark night of the soul,” which, while challenging, can also be spiritually enriching. Take stock of the spiritual insights and wisdom you’ve gained. 

Endings and beginnings are now beginning in the Virgo and Pisces part of your chart, which is where we will have most of the eclipses this year. This has to do with your 6th and 12 houses. Both the 1st house and 6th house deal with issues related to your physical well being, and the 12th house deals with your mental well being, so this is the year to double down on taking care of your body and mental health, and trying to get the support that you need. You’ll also most likely feel more drive and ambition to make changes to your work and career even if you don’t have a clear picture on what that is yet. If you’re feeling like you want to make changes with your career but you don’t have the clarity, let yourself be with what is and let the clarity unfold over time. 

Jupiter has been in Gemini, your 3rd house, igniting the topics of siblings, relatives, your everyday needs and routine. In June, Jupiter will move into Cancer, your 4th house, thus matters of your home, family, and living situation will be in focus for you. This is an opportunity for growth and expansion in this area of your life. This year is also good for traveling if you’ve been craving to explore other locations. If you long to travel but don’t have the funds, think about how you can create more adventures close to home like urban hikes and exploring best kept secrets around where you currently live. 

With Pluto now in Aquarius, this is your 11th house of friends, community, networking, alliances, and your visions and dreams. Your dreams and vision for your life will begin a rebirth for the next twenty years, along with friends and any communities or organizations you’re a part of. 

Laying new foundations for the next version of your life that your soul is longing for is in top focus this year.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Taurus Rising

This year has major opportunities for spiritual growth for you.

Uranus entered your sign in 2019, which has sparked more unpredictability and disruption. It might have felt like lots of little (or big) “earthquakes” in your life. Your life has been shaken up, and you may have even rocked the boat and started doing things differently finding a new way that’s unique to you. Because Taurus is the slowest sign, this might have been a slower disruption, but a disruption of the “norm” - whatever the norm is for you - nonetheless. In July, Uranus will enter Gemini, your 2nd house when you will embark on a journey of making money in unexpected or unique ways. You might feel like liberating yourself from financial constraints or stress, and could gain resources in surprising ways or from surprising people. 

Saturn remains in your 11th house of Pisces until May. It has been calling you to get more serious about your friend circle (who’s a real friend, who isn’t), your community and any communities or organizations you’re a part of (are they serving you?), and the ways you network and connect with others. You might have found yourself wanting less friendships and community, but ones of higher quality that feel more meaningful. How has that been going? If you have your own business, Saturn has been wanting you to get serious about your relationship with your audience and marketing, and make it more purposeful. How can you relate to folks more from your soul rather than as a machine for capital? You can think of your “audience” as your soul family and drawing in more of your soul family through your business, projects, and social networks. Saturn will leave your 11th house in May, but there will be another eclipse in your 11th house of Pisces in September, so more changes are coming in this area of friendships, community, and sharing your gifts.

When Saturn enters your 12th house of Aries, it will be an opportunity fo you to take your intuition more seriously as well as your relationship to the unseen, spirit world. Aries is a sign of leadership and going off on its own doing its own thing. You might feel like retreating inward more or going on a kind of “solo retreat” for a few years to find more of yourself and connect more with your spiritual nature. The 12th house is a kind of spiritual retreat and a dark night of the soul, which, if you embrace it, can provide profound spiritual growth. Neptune will move in here in March, PLUS Venus and Mercury will both go retrograde here in March and April further emphasizing your spiritual growth. 

Jupiter has been in your 2nd house of finances, income, values, and possessions, where it will remain until June. Your relationship with money has been going through a growth spurt (and hopefully your income too). If you’ve been feeling like expanding your services and offerings, go for it! In June, when Jupiter enters Cancer, the topics of siblings (if you have any), relatives, neighborhood, and your everyday needs and routine will be in focus for you. Notice feeling more expansive with these topics and your daily life feeling more abundant (not just financially). The last half of the year is also good for traveling domestically or taking weekend trips if this is something you desire and have the funds for. 

Pluto in Aquarius will begin its rebirth process in matters of your career and public life (your 10th house) for the next twenty years. Because this is a long-term transit, you will feel its shifts gradually. There’s a good chance you won’t be doing the same career you’re doing now in twenty years. Let yourself explore other avenues when you feel drawn to do so.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Gemini Rising

This year is focused on a home and career rebirth.

Jupiter has been in your 1st house offering you a little more luck in your life in general. Not that you haven’t faced challenges, but there have also been more opportunities available to you. Jupiter will remain in your 1st house until this June. Whatever changes you have been going through have been real opportunities of growth and expansion for you. The growth and opportunity is still here for you when Jupiter moves into Cancer in June, but its focus will shift to matters of income, finances and resources. Your relationship with money and resources will go through a growth spurt (and hopefully your income too). This is the year to re-organize and re-structure your finances and income, expand your services and offerings, put yourself out there more, and make money in ways that nurture your soul. 

Uranus will dip its toes into your 1st house in July before fully submerging there in 2026 for seven years. During the latter part of the year, you might notice a stronger urge to shake up your life and do things differently. You might surprise yourself with how much your desires and interests change. You could be feeling like taking your life in a whole new direction that you hadn’t even thought of before. You might change up your appearance or wardrobe, or engage in a new physical activity.

The eclipses in Pisces and Virgo this year will bring new beginnings in your career, home and living situation. If you’ve been wanting to move, live with different people, or change your living situation in some way, this is a perfect year to do that. Or, you could simply find yourself rearranging your furniture, buying new pieces for your home, change the paint color on your walls, and feel inspired to create a new decor. For your career, if you’re self-employed, your business will gain more traction, and/or you might feel pulled to change businesses or make changes in your business. You will feel drawn to make changes to how you show up publicly and what you want your reputation to be. If you’re employed and looking for a new job, this is a great year to find one. Keep putting yourself out there for what you truly want.

Saturn has been in your 10th house and will continue to be until May. When Saturn leaves, you might feel a weight lifted from matters of career, and things starting to flow a little faster and smoother in that area. There will be an eclipse in this area of your life in September propelling you into the next chapter or level of your career. If you haven’t been getting serious about career changes, now is the time to do so and lay solid groundwork for it. Are you a healer, artist or work in the helping professions? This is probably what your soul came here to do. What do you need to do in order to do more of that? It may not be easy, but if you keep putting it off, your soul will keep feeling like it’s missing its purpose. There will be two eclipses in your 4th house so changes with your home, family and living situation are in focus this year as well. Changes in your private life and public life are the big things this year. 

In March, Neptune will move into Aries, your 11th house, and Saturn will move here in May. Friends, communities, any organizations you work or volunteer for, as well as your hopes and dreams will begin a new chapter. Since you’re having career changes, this might be related to your 11th house, like you’re going to start working for a new organization, or work with friends, or you are leaving one community and entering a new one, or venturing out on your own more. Aries is a sign of leadership, so this could also mean stepping into leadership more in your community, whether that’s as a parent, or in your new career path, or with volunteer work. Pay attention to new hopes, dreams and visions that emerge for yourself and your life. 

Pluto is now in your 9th house for 20 years, which is further support and evidence to take on a new line of work/study and pursue any interests in spiritual or mystical matters, writing, editing, publishing, and/or travel. Pluto here begins a rebirth of your beliefs and learnings for the next few decades. The beliefs and philosophies you have now will not be the same ones you have in twenty years. Embrace the renewal.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Cancer Rising

This is an important year for you, your life direction and career. Neptune will enter your 10th house in March. Saturn will enter your 10th house of career in May. Venus and Mercury will go retrograde in your 10th house in March and April offering you reflection and review of your career desires and direction before Saturn moves here, where it will lay new foundations. You may enter a whole new career all together this year, or make changes to the one you already have. If you own a business you love, this could mean being more visible with your offerings or feeling like creating new ones. A Saturn transit through the 10th house for some will mean climbing high ranks while, for others, it will mean laying new foundations for a different career. If your job or business is aligned with your soul’s direction, then you might be called into a higher leadership position or gain more traction in your business. If you’re ending one career and starting anew, don’t feel like you have to have it all figured out right away; give yourself time to figure it out. 

All of this 10th house activity in Aries with your work and career means showing up in a new way as the leader you want to be. Leadership means different things to different people, and Aries is going to be the leader in its own way doing its own thing. Do you. Do your thing, your way. Don’t listen to what business gurus say about what you “should” do or how you “should” make money. Don’t listen to the shoulds. Listen to YOUR voice, and your path. Everyone’s path looks different, and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. Aries/Mars is the maverick, and with Mars being central this year and starting off its retrograde in your 1st house in Cancer, going against the norm of “success” and living the life YOU want and need is what matters.

Saturn has been in your 9th house of Pisces laying new foundations in regards to your beliefs and philosophies about life, mystical and spiritual matters, society, culture, and the world. If your 9th house and 10th house are related, then these belief changes can assist you with new changes in your career or business. We will have eclipses in your 9th and 3rd houses of Pisces and Virgo this year. If you’ve been wanting to write or publish a book, move locations, plan a big trip, take on a new study, or dive deeper into mystical matters, then this is the year to do so!

Pluto has entered your 8th house giving you a rebirth process in the matters of shared resources and assets over the next twenty years. This could be a time where you finally buy the house of your dreams, enter a new business partnership, make new investments, and/or receive a big investment or inheritance from someone else. Pay close attention to any unequal or toxic power dynamics at play in regards to resources you share with others. Be clear about your boundaries with whomever you share resources with or do business with, what you invest in, and what legal contracts you sign. The next few decades will be an opportunity for gradual growth in this area so you can get the resources that you need, and/or share them with others.

Until June, Jupiter continues to be in your 12th house deepening your spiritual connection, expanding your mystical perspectives, and doubling down on your intuition. Growing spiritually will help you experience the benefits that Jupiter has to offer once it moves into Cancer in your 1st house in June. This is when you will have a little more luck on your side and experience a boost. You will likely experience greater confidence and feeling a little more hopeful and optimistic - a welcome energy after all the hard work and struggle you’ve experienced.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Leo Rising

With Jupiter in Gemini in your 11th house, you might have felt more inspired to put yourself out there with your gifts and offerings, and connecting more with your audience and community. It’s a great opportunity for marketing your business if you have a business or working for an organization or company whose values and vision you align with if you’re an employee. Take advantage of this energy until June, because then Jupiter will move into your 12th house offering you a chance to go deeper with the unseen world. This will be a great time to deepen your psychic and intuitive gifts, pay extra attention to your dreams, signs, and experiences that feel magical. Because it’s in Cancer, the sign of the crab that likes to retreat into its shell and it’s in your 12th house, the house of spiritual retreat, you might feel like retreating more than usual and focusing on matters of home, family and ancestors. 

Neptune will move into Aries in your 9th house in March, and Saturn will move there in May. We will also have one final eclipse in Aries there in March. This year brings a whole new chapter of your 9th house to life. This transit sparks new desires for study, learning and exploring. If you’re a writer, this year is a great time to start writing a book, editing your book that you’ve already started or publishing one. Your beliefs and philosophies about life will evolve, and you’ll experience some new ah ha moments, spiritual epiphanies and practices. You might find yourself interested in new and different spiritual practices or mystical matters, or embracing more of yourself as a spiritual teacher. Travel could be a big interest of yours this year. There will be a Venus retrograde and a Mercury retrograde in Aries in March and April. March and April will be pivotal times for you to reflect and review your spiritual beliefs and beliefs about the world. You might also be making edits to your everyday life, and the design and aesthetics of your projects or creative endeavors. 

There will be eclipses in your money houses this year, Virgo, in your 2nd house, and Pisces, in your 8th house. Saturn has been in your 8th house of shared resources and will continue to be there until May. What boundaries have you had to install with people you share resources with? You’ve been putting in the work to make your resources work better for you. What have you learned here? You will feel a weight lift when Saturn moves into Aries in May, but it will dip back into Pisces one last time later in the year to settle any unfinished business and tie up loose ends in regards to 8th house matters. This could be related to your partner’s resources too if you have a partner. The eclipses in your money houses, changes with your income, finances, shared resources, and your relationship to money are coming. If you’ve been wanting to make bigger changes to your finances, this is the year to do that.

Pluto has entered your 7th house of relationships offering a slow rebirth having to do with your committed relationships, business partnerships, and/or any contracts you have over the course of the next twenty years. There’s a powerful opportunity for transforming your relationships to smooth out unequal or unbalanced relationship dynamics that have been lurking beneath the surface.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Virgo Rising

This is a big year for you! Two of the eclipses are happening in your first house (March and September), and one in Pisces (September) is happening in your 7th house. This is all about you, your life direction, and your relationships, but your 4th and 10th houses will be activated as well, so this sparks new changes in all of the major areas of your life (self, relationships, home, family and career). A new identity and life direction is on the horizon for you, which you’ve probably already been feeling since the September eclipse in Pisces 2024.

Saturn will remain in your 7th house (Pisces) until May. Saturn there since March 2023 has been laying new foundations in regards to your committed relationships, romantic, platonic and/or business. You might have been putting a lot more effort into your committed relationships over the last few years. When Saturn leaves Pisces in May, you should feel lighter in your relationships, but the eclipses in Virgo and Pisces will be opportunities for change in this area. This year is calling you to get serious and honest with yourself about what is working or not working for you in your relationships, and what your soul is longing to change. It’s also a year for self rebirth and renewal. What life do YOU want to live? It might be a brand new one. 

In May, Saturn will move into Aries, your 8th house of shared resources. Neptune will move here in March, and we will have a Mercury retrograde AND a Venus retrograde here in March and April. The first quarter of the year is focused on doing some deep review and reflection on who you share resources with, and who you want to share resources with. Saturn here wants to implement healthy boundaries around shared resources, and, in Aries, it has more courage to do so. If you're in need of financial support and resources, this is the year to lay groundwork for that, and how you can get more support.

Jupiter remains in your 10th house until June where it’s been expanding your career possibilities. Maybe you’ve received a promotion or new job opportunity you’re excited about, or have been getting more curious about other career opportunities for yourself. You will continue to feel that curiosity this year and putting those ideas into concrete action to improve your life and career situation. In June, Jupiter will move into your 11th house of Cancer expanding and re-organizing your friend circle, community and big vision. It’s a great year to make new friends, be more social, join a community, volunteer if you feel inclined, or work for an organization whose values align with yours. The latter part of the year will inspire you to get more clear on a new vision for your life, and envision more of what you desire expanding possibilities for your dream life.

Pluto has entered your 6th house for 20 years where you will go through a renewal process around your physical well being and relationship to work. This is the year to head in a new direction your soul has been craving. 

There is a theme of a new you emerging, a snake shedding its skin, a “coming of age”, coming into your own, and being interested in new things in your life, and even a new life entirely. Don’t be afraid to embrace completely new changes in your life this year and the coming years.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Libra Rising

Jupiter remains in Gemini of your 9th house until June expanding your beliefs and philosophies of life and growing your spiritual connection. You’ve probably been feeling a stronger desire to travel and explore different subject matters. Maybe you started going back to school, began a new spiritual practice, or felt the desire to move. In June, Jupiter will move into Cancer re-organizing matters of your career, and expanding new work possibilities for yourself. If you’ve been wanting to enter a new career, apply for a new job, or start a business, the latter part of this year is a great time to do that. 

With Saturn in your 6th house of Pisces until May, this helps you lay new foundations for the kind of work you want to be doing. Saturn here is also an opportunity to set healthy work boundaries and focus on your well being. The September eclipse in Pisces here will further initiate changes with helping you do more of what your soul desires next. The 6th house is also an opportunity for you to take extra care of yourself and tend to your body. If you find that your body needs more rest, sleep, healing, and care, give it the support that you’re able to, and lean on the support that’s available to you.

In March, Neptune will move into Aries, and, in May, Saturn will move there. This is your 7th house of committed relationships, business partnerships and contracts. This is about setting new foundations in this area. You might be feeling more independent. If you are partnered, your relationship will enter a new level of maturity. Saturn here is a great time to set new boundaries in your relationships, and change any relationship dynamics that aren’t serving you. We will also have a Mercury retrograde AND a Venus retrograde in Aries here in March, which gives you that opportunity to reflect and review your relationships…what’s working? What’s not working? What boundaries need to be put in place to better support your relationships?

There will be two eclipses in Virgo this year happening in your 12th house. This is an opportunity to take better care of your mental health and physical well being, and deepen your connection to the unseen and spiritual world, and/or your intuition. 

Pluto has entered your 5th house of romance, creativity, and what brings you pleasure and joy. You’ll have a re-birth of these themes over the next 20 years. You can expect to take on new hobbies and creative projects. You might find your tastes, interests and hobbies changing. Embrace the new layers and versions of yourself emerging.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Scorpio Rising

With eclipses in your 6th and 12th houses this past year, you’ve dealt with your fair share of challenges, possibly related to physical injuries, health issues, or your mental health. We will have one final eclipse in your 6th house of Aries in March helping you focus more on your well being and trying to get the support that you need. Neptune will enter Aries in March, and we will also have a Mercury retrograde AND a Venus retrograde in Aries in March. The first quarter of the year is a great time to be on top of your well being, schedule doctor or dentist appointments that you’ve been putting off, moving your body in ways that feel good to you, and trying to get the support that you need for your body’s care. When Saturn moves into Aries in May, it will be setting new foundations for your work, mental and physical well being. This is a perfect opportunity to reflect and review what kind of work you want to be doing in the world, what supports your body, and what kind of boundaries with your work and physical needs need to be implemented in order to serve you best.

Saturn has been in your 5th house setting new foundations for your hobbies, pleasure, joy, romance, and creativity. Saturn has been helping you get clear on what you don’t want to do and feeling more comfortable saying no to the things that you’re not interested in doing. The eclipses in Virgo and Pisces this year are happening in your 5th and 11th houses offering changes with friends, community, networks, hobbies, what you do for fun and pleasure, and what brings you joy. You might find yourself being interested in a completely new hobby and a new circle of friends or community. Your vision for your life and your dreams might change. You might be exploring new territory when it comes to gender, sex or sexuality. Let yourself change your mind and engage in different interests if that’s what’s calling you.

Jupiter in Gemini has been in your 8th house offering growth and expansion for shared resources in your life, like a business you share with someone, or a home you share with a partner, or any financial support you receive from a partner or family. This is great for getting more financial support and more resources to better support yourself through grants, loans, investors, or leaning on people or services already in your life that are available to you. If you’re financially abundant, then this is great for investing and giving to others who you feel drawn to supporting.

Pluto is now in your 4th house of home, living situation, family, parents and ancestors. Your private life will go through a renewal process over the course of the next twenty years. You might move, start a new family, build a new home, or connect more with your roots, family and ancestors. Your 4th house life will be reborn.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Sagittarius Rising

Jupiter, the planet that rules your Rising Sign, has been in your 7th house, which has been favorable for your committed relationships, both romantic and business. You might have embarked on a new business venture with someone or grown the one you already have. If you’re single, this is a great opportunity for meeting someone if that interests you, or if you’re partnered, then it adds a positive boost to your relationship(s). In June, when Jupiter moves into Cancer, this will be your 8th house of shared resources. The last half of the year is a great time to try to apply for financial support if you need it, whether that’s a grant or a loan, receiving an inheritance, or letting yourself be supported by your partner. If you have a business, this could be a more nurturing and supportive time for your business. If you’ve been wanting to start a business with someone, then the latter half of the year is a great time to do that, just make sure it’s someone you are compatible with who shares your values.

The eclipses in Pisces and Virgo this year are happening in your 10th and 4th houses offering new beginnings with your career, home and living situation. If you’ve been wanting to move, buy a house, live with different people, or change your living situation in some way, this is a perfect year to do that. Or, you could simply find yourself rearranging your furniture, buying new pieces for your home, changing the paint color on your walls, and feel inspired to create a new decor. For your career, if you’re self-employed, your business will gain more traction, and/or you might feel pulled to change businesses or make changes in your business. When Jupiter moves into your 8th house, this is supportive of career and business changes to help you gain more abundance using your gifts. You will feel drawn to make changes to how you show up publicly as well as privately. If you’re employed and looking for a new job, this is a great year to find one. If you want to start a new business or shake up your current one, then go for it. Keep putting yourself out there for what feels meaningful to you.

Saturn has been in your 4th house and will stay there until May. Saturn here has been maturing your relationship to home, your living situation, family, and private life. You might have been getting more clear and serious about where you want to live, how you want to live, and what you want to live in and with whom. You might have had to set boundaries with family members as well. Whatever work you do with 4th house matters will better prepare you for the eclipse in Pisces in September that will continue to initiate new changes in this area of your life. These changes already began last September of 2024 when we had our first eclipse in Pisces with Saturn. What new beginnings with home and family were ignited then for you?

Neptune will move into Aries, your 5th house, in March, and Saturn will move there in May. This means setting new foundations for what brings you pleasure and joy. It’s also a new beginning for romance, sex, sexuality, art, and creativity. This is the year to get more serious about letting your creativity shine. There will be a Venus retrograde and Mercury retrograde in this area of your life in March, so you can expect to do some deeper reflection on what sex, sexuality, and romance mean to you, and what hobbies and practices support your everyday joy.

Pluto has fully entered your 3rd house of your daily needs, divination, neighborhoods, relatives, siblings, and short-distance travel. This part of your life will go through a rebirth process over the next twenty years. You can expect your relationship to your daily life and neighborhood to change, including your daily routine and family interactions, but this will be a slow process since Pluto is there for the next few decades. This is great for developing a deeper relationship with your intuition and spiritual practices too.

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Capricorn Rising

This is a big year for you, Cap! It’s big for all the cardinal signs, and you are a cardinal sign. The planet that rules your sign, Saturn, will be making moves this year dipping its toes into Aries before fully submerging there in 2026. Until May, Saturn will remain in Pisces where it has been setting new foundations in your daily life with your habits and needs, spiritual practices and pursuits, and with your neighborhood and neighbors. Saturn, as the planet of boundaries, has been getting you to set healthy boundaries with family members, and create more solid systems that better support your daily life and needs.

In May, when Saturn enters Aries, this will be your 4th house, setting new foundations for your home, living situation, and family. You might be planting new roots, thinking about moving, or building a new home somewhere. Changes to your private life are coming. Neptune will enter your 4th house of Aries in March before Saturn dips in there, and we will have our last eclipse in Aries there in March. In addition, we will have a Mercury retrograde and a Venus retrograde there in March. This is a great opportunity to do some deep reflection and review on your 4th house matters. It will also affect your 10th house matters of career. If you’ve been wanting career changes, this is the year to initiate that as well.

Until June, Jupiter in Gemini is in your 6th house, which is a great opportunity to focus on what’s best for your well being, and/or embracing new work and career opportunities. Saturn in Pisces has been squaring Jupiter in Gemini, which can indicate tension between wanting to focus on work and career opportunities or feeling like you have to in order to pay the bills, versus focusing on your needs and well being. Saturn, ultimately, has the upper hand here showing you that your well being is more important.

When Jupiter enters Cancer in June, this will be extra positive for your relationships, both romantic, friendship, and any business partnerships you have. If you’re single and wanting a partner, the latter half of the year is favorable for dating and finding a partner. If you’re already in a committed relationship, you could experience more joy and ease with your partner for the next year. Jupiter here also assists you in making major life decisions and changes that you need and want to make over the next year or so. When challenges arise, Jupiter can help smooth things over. 

Pluto has officially left your 1st house, which is the house of self. You’ll feel a weight has lifted, a kind of “dark night of the soul” period has dissipated. Pluto is now in your 2nd house offering you a rebirth of your finances, income, and possessions. The next twenty years will be a gradual renewal for your career and how you want to make money using your gifts. This next chapter of your life is a whole new one full of new versions of yourself, your career, your home, relationships, and self. Embrace the new book and story that’s just beginning. 

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

Aquarius Rising

Pluto has fully entered your 1st house for the next twenty years, beginning a completely new version of you and your life. You will go through a gradual rebirth. Embrace the new ways you’re being born. You'll be like a snake shedding its skin one layer at a time for the next few decades. Your self-identity and who you feel like you are will be going through significant shifts and exploration. Embrace these changes and growth.

Saturn, the planet that rules your sign, will move into Aries, your 3rd house, in May. Saturn here will set new foundations in your daily life with your habits and needs, spiritual practices and pursuits, with your neighborhood, relatives, and siblings (if you have any). As the planet of boundaries, Saturn will motivate you to set healthy boundaries with family members, and create more solid systems that better support your daily life and needs. Neptune will enter your 3rd house of Aries in March and we will have an eclipse there in March. In addition, there will be a Mercury retrograde and a Venus retrograde there. This is a real opportunity to do some deep reflection on what is and isn’t supporting your daily needs. What needs to change in order for you to be better supported? 

Most of the eclipses this year will be in Virgo and Pisces, your money houses, the 2nd and 8th house, which brings changes to your financial situation, relationship to money, and shared resources. It’s a great year to be aligned with your financial goals and focus on getting the financial support you need as well as any other resources to support yourself. This could include changing what you charge, offering a new service, changing your offerings or business if you have one, or starting a new income stream. If you share any finances or resources with family, then you might be having more discussions with them around changes that need to be made in this area of your life. Saturn remains in your 2nd house until May helping you prepare for the new changes with your work and money. What groundwork have you been laying over the last few years for making money using your gifts, and setting forth a solid foundation that can better support yourself?

Jupiter remains in Gemini until June in your 5th house of creativity, children, hobbies, pleasure and joys. How have you experienced abundance and new life in these areas since last June when Jupiter moved there? Uranus will dip its toes into Gemini in July offering a new and unexpected way of doing things in these areas. You’ll feel like taking shaking things up. This is perfect for new sparks of creativity in regards to your career matters as it also aligns with Jupiter moving into Cancer in June. This will be in your 6th house putting the focus on your well being and work opportunities. The latter half of the year is great for making changes to your career, putting yourself out there, and starting a new business venture, as well as finding support for your well being. 

Want to explore more of how the changes mentioned in your horoscope are specifically showing up for you in 2025? I would love to go over all of that with you in a 60 min reading. You can book one HERE.

thank you for reading. I’m so glad you’re here.

Want to dive deeper into what the next year looks like for you, personally, depending on your birth chart?

You’re welcome to book a reading with me below where we can unravel more of what the cosmos reveal for you. If you have something specific you would like to talk about, then we can absolutely go over that in the reading as well. In addition, an astrology reading can be helpful for processing how the last year has been for you and the changes its ignited.

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